background Layer 1
background Layer 1

Primary Teeth (Upper Teeth)



Primary Teeth(Lower Teeth)



Send a Letter to the Tooth Fairy

The Tooth Fairy doesn’t have an email address, can you believe it! The truth is, collecting over 300,000 teeth a night keeps the tooth fairy pretty busy, too busy to check email. Not to mention- the Tooth Fairy would never fly and read emails at the same time. That’s too dangerous!

FlutterPop has an appointment with the Tooth Fairy every night when the Tooth Fairy takes a break to eat and re-hydrate. We read and respond to all the letters that come in every day and when breaktime is over, the tooth fairy flies on and we do it all again the next day.

Use the official tooth fairy letter form below to send a letter to the Tooth Fairy and the FlutterPop team will get your questions answered.

    • I am a:BoyGirl

    • YesNo

    5 + 1 =

    Dear Tooth Fairy,


    Hi! My name is      . I am a child who lives in      and I am      years old.


    I just lost a      and I’m excited to leave it for you in exchange for a small prize!


    This is the first tooth I’ve ever lost so this is a big deal for me! I’ve lost teeth before, so I’m excited but I know how this works!



    Your friend,