The Flutter Blog is Full of Tooth Fairy Tales

Want to learn more about the Tooth Fairy? Did you know that the Tooth Fairy collects over 300,000 teeth per night! Wow! That’s a lot of teeth! Did you ever wonder where all those teeth go? You can find that out and more when you read our Tooth Fairy tales on the FlutterBlog.

Our Tooth Fairy blog is intended to promote knowledge of the Tooth Fairy and understanding about healthy teeth. Learn more about the Tooth Fairy Traditions and best Dental Practices here.

Everything You Need to Know About Baby Teeth

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Baby teeth, sometimes called “primary teeth,” are like a trial run, a practice round in dental care before moving on to the big leagues, a set of forever teeth. These tiny chompers aren’t just for brushing practice and munching healthy snacks, though – they also form a direct connection to the Tooth Fairy. But before our favorite dental sprite can come fluttering into you and your child’s life, those teeth will have to come out. Losing baby teeth is a totally natural part of growing up, but it can also be an anxiety-inducing experience. But here’s the good news: the more you know about baby teeth, the better you can prepare for losing their departure. We’ve got you covered – here’s a crash course on all things baby teeth.

How many are there?

Take a peek inside your child’s mouth and, if all the baby teeth have come in, you can expect to find eight incisors (four top, four bottom), four canines (two top, two bottom), and eight molars (four top, four bottom). That’s a grand total of – drum roll, please – twenty baby teeth. You can expect the incisors to emerge first at 6-12 months, followed by the canines at 16-23 months, with the molars bringing up the rear at 13-33 months. Check out this handy chart from the American Dental Association for a visual representation.

When will baby teeth fall out?

Typically, baby teeth follow a “first in, first out” pattern, so in most cases, the central incisors are the first teeth a child loses at age 6 or 7 (on average). After the first one drops, the other three central incisors fall out in rapid succession. This is why you’ll often see adorable kid smiles with big gaps where their front teeth belong, just like in the 1944 Christmas song “All I want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth.” So when that first tooth starts to wiggle, prepare for a few Tooth Fairy visits in a row. After the incisors, the teeth work their way back. Most often, canines fall out next, followed by molars, but this isn’t always the case. It depends on which teeth emerged first.

Why do they fall out?

It might be scary to see a small bone fall out of your mouth, but assure your child that this isn’t just normal, it’s exciting! It means that the Tooth Fairy is coming soon and that means one step closer to forever teeth. The role of baby teeth is to develop the oral cavities so that permanent teeth can grow into them. As a forever tooth begins its descent, it pushes its baby tooth counterpart farther and farther down until boom, it pops out. Then, the forever tooth continues its downward journey until firmly rooted in place. The Tooth Fairy gets another baby tooth, and in return, your child gets a permanent one and a magical gift. 

How do you care for them?

Brush, brush, brush! The most important part of keeping baby teeth clean is equipping your child with a healthy teeth toolkit – toothbrush, fluoride toothpaste, themed flossers, mouth rinse – and encouraging them to brush at least twice a day. Because they’re much smaller than forever teeth, baby teeth often have wider gaps between them and don’t require flossing. However, as the permanent teeth begin to come in, help your child get in a flossing habit to clean between any teeth that touch. Diet can also have a huge influence on the health of baby teeth. Try to limit heavily sugary or acidic food and beverages like soda. Baby teeth are sensitive so sugar can accelerate enamel breakdown and cause cavities. Even if you and your child have a perfect routine and follow all of these guidelines, semi-annual trips to the dentist can help make sure you stay on the right track, especially when those baby teeth start falling out. 

There you have it, all the essential knowledge about baby teeth. You’re basically an expert now, and with the Tooth Fairy on your side, you’re ready to guide your child through the process of losing their pearly whites. Receive more guides like this one by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

The Dental Duo! Dentist & Tooth Fairy

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Take a look in the mirror and make your biggest, goofiest smile. What do you see? There are probably some shiny, healthy teeth waving back at you. Or maybe you can see a tooth that’s starting to wiggle a bit when you touch it? And maybe – just maybe – there’s a hole where a loose tooth used to be.

Say hello to a couple of friendly folks who care as much about your pearly whites as you do. First up, drumroll please! 

The dentist!

Going to the dentist might feel a little scary, because you don’t know what to expect. But trust us on this: the dentist is like your smile’s own personal Super Detective, always looking for clues. Do your chompers look and feel they way they’re supposed to? Are the new ones coming in straight? Whatever’s going on with your healthy grin, your dentist is always on the case.

But who’s got you covered when one of those amazing teeth of yours decides to pack a little suitcase and take a permanent vacation from your smile? You guessed it: the one and only, often imitated but never duplicated….

Tooth Fairy!

Everyone knows that when you lose a tooth, something magical is about to happen. That night, when you’re getting ready for bed (after you brush your teeth), you put the lost tooth in your tooth pillow. After the lights are out and you’re fast asleep, guess who shows up looking for that tooth?

The Tooth Fairy, quiet as can be, flies into your room on wings covered in pixie dust. Speaking of pixie dust – does anybody know what it’s made of? We think it’s glitter and cinnamon sprinkles, but we can’t be sure.

The Tooth Fairy checks to make sure the coast is clear – and that you’re actually snoozing and not just pretending to snooze. Because we know you’re sneaky like that. Once she knows nobody’s looking, the Tooth Fairy reaches under your pillow, grabs your tooth, and slips it into her Secret  Glittery Bag of Lost Teeth. Can’t you just hear them, jingle-jangling together in there?

In exchange for your tooth, the Tooth Fairy leaves a little gift. It might be a note, it might be a little present… and it might even be… money!

Once the gift is safely under your pillow, the Tooth Fairy takes a bow and flies away into the night with your lost tooth. The next morning, you wake up with a little surprise waiting for you.

Hang on, we have a few questions from the audience. We’ll start with you, over there with your hand up. What’s your question?

Are the dentist and the Tooth Fairy the same person?

No way, Jose! They’re totally different people with the same love for good dental hygiene.

Can I write to the Tooth Fairy?

You sure can! We’ve got a way for you to send a letter to the Tooth Fairy right now. 

Can I tell the Tooth Fairy what I want in exchange for my teeth?

Well, the Tooth Fairy is always open to good ideas, but she tends to love the element of surprise. In other words, you never know what you might get!

What does the Tooth Fairy do with my teeth?

Good question! Find out here! 

How can I keep my teeth healthy?

We’re so happy that you asked! Here’s a list of the top 10 tooth brushing habits you should work on for healthy teeth and gums. 

Now that you know a little more about the Dynamic Duo of Dental Health (say that five times fast!), you know that the healthier your teeth are, the happier these two champions of strong chompers will be.

Got more questions about the dentist or the Tooth Fairy? We want to hear them! Be sure to ask Mom and Dad to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more Tooth Fairy news!

Fun & Exciting Cash-Free Tooth Fairy Ideas

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The situation: you’re a devoted parent and lover of family traditions. That means you’re probably looking at a future visit from the Tooth Fairy. It’s the classic exchange of lost teeth for cold, hard cash. But deep down, your inner parent may be saying, “Does it have to be money? Shouldn’t I try to teach my children other values?”

We’ve got your covered.

After all, a visit from the Tooth Fairy isn’t about doling out some dental-themed allowance. It’s about celebrating a mini-milestone in a child’s life and creating an experience they’ll remember forever.

Here’s a handy roundup of some of the best cash-free Tooth Fairy alternatives out there. 

1 – The personal touch. A handwritten note from the Tooth Fairy can be worth its weight in gold fillings. It might say “Thank you for taking care of your teeth,” or “Congratulations on the smile upgrade,” or it might just serve as an encouraging reminder to keep up with their brushing habits. Style tips: think small, and then think a little smaller. Tiny writing on tiny paper and a little dusting of glitter can make that note look extra magical.

2 – Extreme couponing! This one’s a great way to save some dough – and spend some quality time with your child. Pick something that they love to do, and create a special coupon redeemable for that occasion. Try ideas like a trip to the zoo, the park, or the movies. Let your imagination run wild (limit one per customer).

3 – Epic equipment upgrade. Okay, it doesn’t have to be epic, but leaving a little gift like a brand new toothbrush and toothpaste set with your child’s favorite cartoon or movie characters on it can put a fun spin on dental hygiene. 

4 –  Invest in Fairy Currency. Who says you can’t roll up your sleeves and make your own version of magical cash? Hit those bills with a little glitter hairspray, or throw some adhesive and glitter dust on your loose change, and your kids get a fun cash alternative that they can save up or exchange for prizes (Note: this does not constitute financial advice. You should always consult a licensed investment professional when looking to diversify your Fairy Portfolio).

5 – The Mystery Puzzle. Stay with us on this one, because it’s more of a long-game kind of situation. Who doesn’t like solving a mystery? And even better if the end of the mystery has a satisfying conclusion. Let’s start at the end and work backwards. Maybe you want to give your child a special gift as a thank you for consistent brushing. Bury that gift in the backyard, then write simple clues to the spot. Then – wait for it – cover the clue sheet in something sparkly, and cut it into puzzle pieces. Each time your child gets a visit from the Tooth Fairy, another piece of the puzzle is revealed, and your child takes one step closer to finding the lost treasure. Pro tip: we’re big on dental hygiene, so don’t bury a toothbrush in your backyard – just trust us on that. 

Now that you’ve got a few exciting ideas to mull over, it’s important to remember what this is really all about – sharing a sense of wonder and discovery with your children. And if you end up with an extra bottle or two of glitter, how great is that?

Want more ideas about caring for your kid’s teeth? Jump into the conversation over on Facebook and Instagram.

Take Care of Your Teeth to Take Care of Yourself! (Oral Hygiene for Kids)

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Whether you still have all of your baby teeth, or you have a mix of baby teeth, permanent teeth, and a few empty spaces, taking care of your whole mouth is one of the most important jobs you’ll do every day. Your mouth is a pretty big deal, isn’t it? You need it to eat and drink, to talk, to laugh or smile, and to breathe! If you really think about it, you are using your mouth in some way every single minute of the day! Because it’s so important, we came up with some ways to help you keep your hard-working smile in tip-top shape.

Teeth Work Hard – Keep Them Clean

Taking care of your teeth is one of the best things you can do to keep your whole mouth healthy. Brush your teeth twice a day, every day, for 2 full minutes. We found some great videos to help you learn the best way to brush. You will also need to floss your teeth with dental floss once a day. If you use mouthwash, make sure you follow the directions from your parents or dentist. Swallowing mouthwash can make you sick – yuck! Just swish it around and then spit it all out into the sink.

Brushing and flossing helps remove all the germs that stick to your teeth throughout the day. These germs are called plaque, and if you don’t keep up with good dental habits, that plaque will get hard and start to cause problems. Show off your sparkling smile with clean and healthy teeth.

A Healthy Body Starts with a Healthy Mouth

Your body runs on fuel in the form of food and drink. The only way to get that fuel into your body is through your mouth. Not only do foods and drinks affect your teeth, but your body uses them to do its whole job every day. A big part of having a healthy mouth is eating and drinking things that are nutritious.

Water is the best thing you can drink, so make sure you get plenty of it! Try to skip juices and sugary drinks except for extra special treats. The sugar in these drinks turns to acid on your teeth. Your saliva helps to wash away that acid, but it can’t get it all if you have too much of it. Crunchy fruits and vegetables are a great treat for your teeth and your whole body! They give your teeth a good workout, get your saliva working to clean your mouth, and they have healthy vitamins that make the best kind of fuel for your body.

Healthy proteins and grains are other foods that make good fuel for your body, but these are foods that can sneak in between teeth when you are chewing. Remember when we mentioned flossing?  Dental floss will help clean tiny bits of food out from between your teeth so that you get all the benefits and none of the trouble.

Preventing Teeth Problems

The best way to care for your mouth is to stop problems before they have a chance to start. First, make sure you visit the dentist for regular check-ups, and pay attention to any instructions he or she gives you about caring for your teeth. Another way to keep your teeth healthy is to never put anything in your mouth that doesn’t belong. Whether it’s your fingernails, toys, keys, or a friend’s finger, it doesn’t belong in your mouth! Breaking or losing a tooth because of an accident is painful, makes it harder to eat and talk, and can cause dental problems for years.

Make sure to always wear a helmet when riding bikes, scooters, or skateboards, and wear mouthguards whenever they are recommended for sports. Don’t use your teeth to tear open packages, or to hold items so you can use your hands. Being mindful of how you use your mouth will help you keep a healthy smile for your whole life.

For more ideas and information on how to keep your teeth bright and healthy, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

How Does The Tooth Fairy Get Her Magic?

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Have you ever seen a magician pull a rabbit from his hat or a coin from behind your ear? It’s amazing! But as impressive as those tricks can be, they don’t measure up to the magic that the Tooth Fairy has in store for children who leave her happy, healthy teeth. If you’ve ever lost a tooth, left it in under your pillow, and discovered a treasure in the morning, you’ve witnessed her magic at work! But where does this amazing magic come from? That’s a great question, and it’s one that we’ve asked plenty of times ourselves. Lucky for you, we also found some answers.

What Can the Tooth Fairy Do?

Even though she has a special job, the Tooth Fairy isn’t the only fairy out there. In fact, there’s a whole world, called Fairyland, where hundreds of fairies live. Each of them, the Tooth Fairy included, has the ability to fly, “poof” from place to place, become invisible, and create objects (like gifts!). This is how the Tooth Fairy gets in and out of your room without waking you up. Plus, she has a magical sixth sense that tells her when any child loses a tooth and helps her get to the right house.

How Does the Tooth Fairy Use Her Magic?

There are two important tools that no good fairy would go without: pixie dust and a wand. Think about the Disney character Tinker Bell, who uses pixie dust to fly, glow, and help her friends float around. In the same way, the Tooth Fairy can use pixie dust to appear in your room, create special gifts, and even help you fall asleep. But Tinker Bell also carries a wand, which aims and releases her fairy dust. Same for the Tooth Fairy! With a wave of the wand, she can “poof” your tooth from under the pillow and into her pouch, then leave behind a surprise. 

Where Does the Magic Come From?

From Fairyland, of course! In the Nickelodeon show “The Fairly Oddparents,” Fairyland magic is powered by humans’ belief in fairies. If humans stop believing that fairies exist, then the fairies can’t use their powers. The Tooth Fairy’s magic is similar. That pixie dust from the last question? If you don’t believe in the Tooth Fairy , it turns to regular dust, and she can’t exchange your tooth. You might be wondering how you can visit Fairyland. Unfortunately, we humans can’t go there because we don’t have the same magical powers. But the good news is that every time you lose a tooth that you’ve kept healthy and safe, the Tooth Fairy brings you a little piece of her homeland. 

Who Gets to See the Tooth Fairy’s Magic?

Let’s look at another character you may know: Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother. She grants the wishes of anyone who is kind, generous, and caring. The Tooth Fairy loves these qualities, too. And she also loves healthy teeth, so she shares her magic with everyone who keeps their teeth clean. How? By brushing and flossing as part of your everyday routine. Do this and your teeth will be shiny and strong, and the Tooth Fairy will be thrilled to show you her magic. 

When Will the Tooth Fairy Come?

When you lose your first tooth, it unlocks a door from Fairyland to your room, and the Tooth Fairy keeps a close eye on these doors. Her magical senses will alert her when you lose a tooth. As long as you’ve kept it clean and believe that she’ll come, there will be a gift waiting for you in the morning. 

Still have Tooth Fairy questions? You can always write her a letter and we’ll make sure that she gets it. Or, head over to our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages for more fun facts about her.