The Flutter Blog is Full of Tooth Fairy Tales

Want to learn more about the Tooth Fairy? Did you know that the Tooth Fairy collects over 300,000 teeth per night! Wow! That’s a lot of teeth! Did you ever wonder where all those teeth go? You can find that out and more when you read our Tooth Fairy tales on the FlutterBlog.

Tooth Fairy Tips: 10 Habits of Good Tooth Brushers

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Teeth play a major role in our overall health. Not only are they a vital step in food digestion, but healthy teeth are a major line of defense against harmful bacteria that can invade the bloodstream. We’ve put together a list of 10 Habits of Good Tooth Care that will help families keep those pearly whites sparkling for a lifetime.

  1. Oral hygiene starts in infancy. Bacteria are present even in the smallest baby’s mouth. It’s important for parents to gently clean their infant’s gums with a clean wet cloth. Babies should never be put to bed with a bottle, as this can allow bacteria to quickly grow in the liquids that pool in their mouths.
  2. Good brushing takes practice. Parents should begin teaching their toddlers how to brush their teeth using a training toothpaste that is safe to swallow. Toddlers need to practice and get used to holding the toothbrush. But parents should follow up by brushing after their child brushes until parent and dentist agree that the child can brush on his own, which could be around age 6 or 7.
  3. Brush teeth every morning. While it’s still up for debate whether brushing before or after breakfast is best, teeth definitely need to be brushed every morning. If you do wait until after breakfast to brush your teeth, it’s best to wait about 30 minutes so that tooth enamel isn’t still weakened from acids in the food. A better compromise may be to brush as soon as you wake up, and then drink a glass of water after eating.
  4. Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is essential to keep the body running at its best, and this includes oral health. Water after meals will keep acids and sugars moving away from teeth and gums so they don’t have time to dig in and cause harm.
  5. Avoid foods high in sugar. Sugar might be delicious, but too many sweets are hard on teeth. Sugar turns into acid in the mouth, and this acid is what attacks tooth enamel to cause cavities.
  6. Eat foods that are good for the mouth. Foods that are high in calcium help teeth remineralize, which is how they recover from acid in other foods. Crunchy fruits and vegetables have a high water content, which stimulates saliva and keeps bacteria moving away from teeth and into the digestive tract.
  1. Brush before bed. Brushing teeth before going to sleep removes the day’s bacteria from teeth so that it can’t harden into plaque, which causes cavities and gum disease. To make sure the mouth can rest easy overnight, avoid eating or drinking anything other than water after bedtime brushing.
  2. Floss every day. Flossing between teeth will help to remove food particles that get stuck, and it will clear the bacteria that your toothbrush can’t reach. Daily flossing is important for avoiding cavities between the teeth and gum disease.
  3. Remember the tongue and gums. The bacteria in your mouth don’t just live on your teeth. They camp out all over the place, so it’s important to gently care for the tongue and gums, just as much as you care for your teeth. Most toothbrushes have rubber nubs on the backside of the head that is made for brushing over the tongue. Mouthwash is similar to floss in that it can reach spaces that a toothbrush can’t. Talk to a pediatric dentist before allowing a child to use mouthwash, though, as swallowing it can be harmful.
  4. Visit the dentist twice a year. While the majority of oral health maintenance takes place at home, dental checkups are an essential component. Starting in infancy, the dentist will be on the lookout for potential problems and will reinforce good habits. Catching potential cavities before they start with regular cleanings will prevent painful and expensive treatments later. By taking care of teeth at home and keeping regular dental appointments, you and your kids will have a great experience with the dentist that supports healthy teeth and gums for life.

There you have it, 10 Habits of Good Tooth Care! If you’d like more tips and tools for caring for teeth, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Can Baby Teeth Last Forever? | Learn more about Forever Teeth!

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That missing tooth gap might look silly and cute in photos, but it won’t last forever, and that’s a good thing! After your child has lost a baby tooth, stashed it under the pillow, and experienced a visit from the Tooth Fairy, their next question might be “where’s my new tooth?” You might find him or her open-mouthed and facing a mirror, examining the empty gums, poking at the gap. Getting forever teeth is exciting, so it’s no surprise that kids get impatient. But as you wait with your child to see that white thing poke through the gums, it’s a good idea to help him or her understand what it means to have forever teeth. 

The Waiting Game

When you see your child strike that gaping, open-mouthed stare, so close that the mirror gets foggy, talk about the fact that brand new forever tooth will crest the gum line in anywhere between a week and six months. This tooth will steadily descend until it’s fully in place. Since loose baby teeth are caused by forever teeth pushing them out, you can expect the permanent teeth to appear in the order that their corresponding baby teeth popped free. As your child waits patiently, encourage the regular brushing and flossing routine, as this is crucial to the health of both gums and new teeth.

What’s the Difference?

This biggest difference between baby teeth and their permanent counterparts is that forever teeth last, well, forever! But there are several more subtle differences you’ll notice:

  • To accommodate a growing mouth and body, your child’s forever teeth will be larger. The first few that come in might look comically large, too big for a child’s mouth. But don’t worry, they’ll grow into them. 
  • Look closely and you’ll also notice a color difference. Forever teeth are not quite as pearly white as baby teeth, so don’t be alarmed if they come in looking slightly less vibrant – this isn’t an indication of tooth health or decay. 
  • Because they’re permanent, forever teeth have to be stronger and more durable, so their enamel is quite a bit harder. However, this doesn’t mean that dental hygiene is less important for permanent teeth. On the contrary, these chompers need to last a lifetime, so encourage your child to continue healthy tooth habits.
  • There are more of them! Kids have a total of 20 baby teeth, but a full mouth of forever teeth amount to 32. Let’s break that down: it includes eight incisors, four canines (cuspids), eight premolars, and 12 molars. While that seems like a lot, they emerge gradually, with the final molars (the wisdom teeth) often appearing in the late teens. 

Healthy Habits for a Lifetime

Brushing, flossing, and rinsing as part of a daily routine is incredibly important for both baby teeth and forever teeth. Baby teeth are softer and more fragile, allowing cavities to spread quickly, so keeping them clean is vital. And forever teeth need to last a long time, which requires routine maintenance. Establishing a dental routine for baby teeth will prepare your child to keep it going once their forever teeth emerge. Toothbrushes featuring Disney princesses or Marvel superheroes or fun animal-themed flossers can make teeth time exciting and help establish healthy habits. 

It’s also important to discourage habits like thumb sucking. When forever teeth are emerging, a child’s gums and jaw are still forming, and thumb sucking can alter their alignments, causing conditions like overbite, incorrect teeth spacing, and more. 

And let’s not forget the dentist! Both kids and adults should visit the dentist for regular cleanings and checkups every six months. This is especially important for children who are in the process of losing baby teeth and gaining permanent ones, to ensure that those forever teeth are coming in straight and true. 

As you and your child navigate the baby teeth to forever teeth journey, keep these facts in mind, and keep up with great information like this by following Flutterpop on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Your Step-By-Step Guide to the Tooth Fairy

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She’s small, she has wings, she uses magic, and she loves teeth. Can you guess who it is? That’s right. The Tooth Fairy! If you have a wiggling, wobbling loose tooth right now, or you’re waiting for your first one, that means she’ll be heading to your house soon. The Tooth Fairy is a magical little friend who lives in Fairyland and loves keeping your teeth strong and safe. After you lose a tooth, she comes in the middle of the night (while you’re asleep) to collect it. But she doesn’t just steal it and leave – she leaves a reward for being brave and keeping your teeth healthy! This might sound strange at first, but don’t worry. If you follow these steps, before you know it, you’ll be waking up to a tiny treasure under your pillow.

Step 1: Losing Your Tooth

This part can be a little bit scary, but also exciting. Losing your baby teeth means you’re growing up and your forever teeth are on their way. So, when you bite into an apple and your tooth starts moving, don’t panic. This is completely normal, and it actually means that you have a healthy, happy mouth. Plus, the Tooth Fairy can sense every child’s loose tooth and she will immediately start preparing a gift! You might want to play with your tooth – wiggling, spinning, and moving it back and forth. This is totally fine, but don’t pull on it. The Tooth Fairy likes teeth that fall out naturally. Just be patient and in no time that tooth will pop out in your food or while you’re brushing, and you won’t feel it at all.

Step 2: Keep Your Tooth Safe

You did it! You stayed calm and courageous when your tooth came out. Now what? Chances are that it didn’t happen right as you were getting into bed, so you need to store it in a safe spot until the Tooth Fairy arrives. You want to show her what good care you took of your tooth, don’t you? She’s going to be so proud. So be careful not to misplace it. If you’re at school, the nurse can get you a tiny container or plastic bag. If you’re at home, ask a parent to hold it for you or find a safe place. Don’t just put it in your pocket or backpack! You might forget it’s there. A keepsake box is a great choice instead.

Step 3: Stash it Under Your Pillow

You’re getting close to your first Tooth Fairy encounter. In fact, as you brush, floss, and get ready for bed, she’s probably already on her way. So get ready quick! Got your tooth? Carefully place it under your pillow, or in your special tooth pillow. You can even leave your keepsake box or tooth container next to you bed. The Tooth Fairy isn’t picky, as long as she can find it. If she can’t, then she’ll be unable to leave a gift. Now for a very important part: go to sleep! We know what you’re thinking: “I’m going to stay up so I can sneak a peek at the Tooth Fairy.” But here’s the deal: her magic only works if you’re sound asleep, so she won’t be able to poof into your room if you’re awake. Plus, the sooner you sleep, the sooner you’ll wake up to a surprise.

Step 4: Find Your Gift

This is what you’ve been waiting for – the Tooth Fairy’s gift! She loves finding healthy teeth so much that she can’t help but reward you for keeping them clean. When you wake up, check the place where you left your tooth and you’ll find a treasure. If you want to thank the Tooth Fairy, or just say hi, you can write her a letter.

Step 5: Keep It Up!

You’ve accepted your first Tooth Fairy gift, but guess what. There’s a lot more where that came from! This is only the beginning of your Tooth Fairy friendship. She has a lot more magic, and you have a lot more teeth, so keep up your brushing and flossing routine and soon, another one will start to wiggle. Then another and another (not all at once, of course). And a couple weeks after each tooth falls out, you’ll find a forever tooth coming in its place. These are your adult teeth! Whenever you lose a tooth, repeat steps one through four and you’ll have a whole collection of magical gifts.

How do you feel now? Hopefully, you’re excited to lose your first tooth and get to know the Tooth Fairy a little better. If you want to keep up with fun Tooth Fairy stories, games, and more, ask your parents if you can check out Flutterpop’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages.

A Spin on the Traditional Tooth Fairy Experience

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While money is the most common gift children receive from the tooth fairy, there are no actual rules on the topic. The Original Tooth Fairy Poll cites that the current national average reward is $3.70 per tooth. That’s $74 for all 20 teeth per child! That’s a hefty price tag, especially if you have a large family. Economics aside, parents might have any number of reasons why leaving money for lost teeth is not the right fit.

As it turns out, the tooth fairy is quite an accommodating little sprite! She is more than happy to deliver the rewards that meet each family’s needs. We’ve compiled a list of 8 creative non-money tooth rewards:

Practical Tooth Fairy Rewards

  1. Toothbrushes, dental floss, and toothpaste are great rewards to reinforce excellent oral health habits. The tooth fairy loves to encourage keeping teeth healthy, so this one is an easy choice. Remember that your child’s travel toothbrush needs to be replaced regularly, as well, so keep that in mind if the tooth fairy already brought a new home toothbrush.
  2. Books about the tooth fairy can be found in our shop and are a great way to keep the magic alive. Of course, there’s no need for every reward to be a book about teeth, but we do recommend it for the first few to help your child get comfortable with this time of change.

Tooth Rewards for the Crafty Family

  1. Building a fairy garden is a fun and creative way to celebrate the magic of the tooth fairy. This is a project that parents and kids can start as the first teeth begin to wiggle, and the tooth fairy will bring special pieces to add to the garden with each lost tooth.
  2. A small jar of fairy dust is an artistic option to encourage your child’s imagination in crafts or outdoor play. Some kids may collect the special glitter for daydreaming, while others will excitedly add it to crafts or sprinkle outside to create magic.
  3. A tiny personalized letter from the tooth fairy is a great idea for parents with a steady hand. Your child will feel special at the personal attention bestowed upon him or her by the tooth fairy.

Special Teeth Keepsakes

  1. A pressed penny collection is something your child can use to keep track of how many teeth he or she has lost. Since pressed pennies are often found at museums and cultural tourist attractions, your child might choose to start a collection of pennies from all of your family travels.
  2. A tooth keepsake box is something you and your child can use together to track teeth as they come out. The tooth fairy can deliver the box for the first lost tooth, and then follow up with a certificate for each tooth after that. The tooth fairy will of course let your child know that the tooth was checked into her log and then returned home for safe keeping.

A Special Surprise

  1. Mark milestones, such as every 5 teeth, with a coupon for a visit to a children’s museum or special activity. Take this time with your child to celebrate how he or she is growing up and how proud you are.

While celebrating your child’s transition into adolescence is an important time for teaching and bonding, no parent should have to go broke or trade in values to mark the occasion. We hope these fun ideas help you come up with your own non-monetary plan for tooth fairy rewards.  

FlutterPop supports parents in coming up with all kinds of ways to be the best tooth fairy. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up on all of our new ideas.

Everything You Need to Know About Losing Teeth

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Why Do Baby Teeth Fall Out?

Have you lost your first tooth yet? If yes, congratulations! You’re on your way to growing big, strong, permanent teeth that will help you talk and chew for the rest of your life. Doesn’t it seem strange that we only have baby teeth for a little while, but we have adult teeth forever? It’s really all about size and growth. Babies are tiny, so those first teeth need to be small enough to fit in a baby’s mouth. Did you know that we are born with all of our baby teeth already inside our gums? Babies grow pretty fast from birth until they are little kids starting school, and that’s about when baby teeth start coming out.

Can you imagine how silly your smile might be if you still had tiny little front teeth at age 10 or 11? Permanent teeth are bigger to fit the mouth you’ll have as a grownup. Baby teeth have short roots that hold them in place. These roots are strong enough while mouths are small, but once the permanent teeth form under the gums and your mouth gets bigger, those short roots aren’t long enough to keep the tooth in place. The tooth gets loose, the root starts to dissolve, and the permanent tooth starts pushing up into the mouth all at the same time. Permanent teeth have long, strong roots that help them stay put for your whole life. Ask your dentist if you can look at your X-ray pictures and see the difference in roots from your baby teeth to your adult teeth.

Does it Hurt When Teeth Come Out?

Even though baby tooth roots are short and not designed to last forever, they still have a job to do while the tooth is in your mouth. If you tug or wiggle a tooth that isn’t ready to come out, that root is still holding strong, and you might hurt yourself. The best plan of action when a tooth starts to get loose is to be patient and keep wiggling it. Eventually, the roots will know that their job is done, and the tooth will come all the way out.

It can be frustrating to wait for a tooth to come all the way out. Sometimes it might get really hard to eat or talk, or the new tooth might be pushing in and the baby tooth is really in the way. If you have to pull a tooth out by force, it might hurt for a moment, and you might taste some blood for a little while. In these cases, it’s best if your parents can help you. Also, get a wet washcloth ready to bite once the tooth is out to help stop the bleeding. Swish warm salt-water in your mouth a few times before bed, and it should start to feel better in the morning.

The baby molars that come in later are meant to stick around a little longer, and they are bigger teeth with bigger roots. These teeth will hurt a little more coming out. In fact, sometimes the dentist will pull these teeth for you to help make room for your growing permanent molars. If the dentist does this, he or she might give you some medicine to numb your mouth. The numb feeling will go away after a few hours, but you have to be careful not to bite your tongue or cheek before that!

Why Do I Have to Take Care of Baby Teeth?

If baby teeth are going to fall out anyway, why is it important to brush and floss? Almost every kid asks this question, and it’s a good one! Even though baby teeth will come out, they are very important while you have them. Baby teeth help you chew and talk, and they hold a place in your mouth for the permanent teeth that will replace them. If you don’t take care of the teeth you have while they are still working hard for you, that can cause big trouble.

When baby teeth get cavities, it can hurt to chew, but it can also make you sick. When teeth have infections, those germs can go down into the gums and get into your blood and your nerves. This can really hurt, and it can also give you a fever. It’s possible to get cavities even if you are really good at brushing and flossing, but taking care of your teeth is still the best way to prevent them. If you do get a cavity, your dentist will clean out all the dirt and then put in a filling that stops the cavity from getting any worse.

If a baby tooth comes out too early, maybe because you had an accident that knocked it out, the permanent tooth might not be in the right place under the gums just yet. What can happen in that case is that the other teeth will move a little bit into the empty space, and all the permanent teeth under your gums in that area will get shifted out of place. This can cause your adult teeth to grow in too close together in some spots. When permanent teeth grow in a little out of place, which can happen to anyone, the dentist will send you to an orthodontist to get braces that move all the teeth into straight rows.

Hopefully, you’re quickly becoming a pro at losing teeth and patiently waiting for your permanent teeth. We know how hard it is to eat pizza without those front teeth! Make sure you keep brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist to keep both your baby teeth and permanent teeth strong and healthy!  

FlutterPop is invested in creating healthy teeth habits as early as possible. If you are as excited as we are about caring for teeth in the digital age, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.